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Showing posts from October, 2018

Rebuild and forgive

This is the sermon I delivered after a week of violent protests in my home town of Stutterheim, South Africa O God, sovereign over all, your overflow of life pours into everything and streams in fullness back to you. May I speak in Your Name a message of hope and peace. Amen. God certainly does have a sense of humour. Just look at our readings today! It was as if He wrote them down exactly for us in Stutterheim and for exactly this time. When you listen to these readings you get an immediate sense of the weight of God’s Word and power; you get an idea of how involved in our lives He really is. It is as if the Job reading is saying, “ Who can count the clouds? I can, people of Stutterheim. I am your God and I can count the clouds of smoke billowing from your town. Why do you fear?” Yes, God has a sense of humour, because he is God and knows all things that have been, that are and will be. Why else would we get a message like this today? Job had lost everything. His childre